
Detox and Weight Loss - Everything You Need To Know


What is a Detox?

 Detoxification (Detox) is a natural process when our body system eliminates toxins. Detox mainly happens in our kidney, as the kidney is an organ responsible for filtering the blood. There are many reasons why we should take detox seriously today. Processed food is taking over the entire food market while consisting plenty of unhealthy chemicals inside. As we consume such a junk food we fill our bodies with unwanted toxins that are far not good for our health. Almost everything around us today is toxic. We also get exposed to toxins from alcohol, drugs, pharmaceuticals, and even from the air we breathe in.


What are the best ways to detox?


In order to cleanse the system, people chose methods like:


·         Exercising


·         Drinking organic teas (teatox)


·         Sitting in saunas


·         Eating specific foods


·         Drinking smoothies


·         Cutting sugar intake


·         Drinking more water


·         Exfoliate


·         And More...


Why do we need to detox?


We need to detox because unwanted buildup toxins in our system can have negatively affect our overall health. In fact, untreated toxins can cause numbers of illnesses, and some of them can be fatal, such as cancer, diabetes, or heart attack. In addition, for those who are interested in losing weight, detoxification is crucially important, as excess toxins holds our metabolism back, what makes the whole weight loss process harder than you can imagine.


 Do I need to detox?


Just think for a minute and answer those questions... Do you consume a lot of processed/unhealthy foods? Do you drink a lot of soda drinks, or are you an alcohol user? Do you take pharmaceuticals, or any other type of drugs? Do you smoke, or just live in highly polluted area? If any of those answers are positive, you need to detox.


And if that doesn't clarify the question, ask yourself how do you feel? Do you feel lethargic? Does your body remind you about headache, and you feel your hormones just going crazy? Have you tried to lose fat many times, but still having bad luck with it?


Cleansing your body from the toxins will surely change the way you feel into definitely better, and if you are trying to lose weight, think smart. Cleansing is the key.


 What foods to avoid when detoxing?


No matter, what detox method you decide to apply, it's always good to keep in mind, how to feed yourself properly. Here's a helpful list of what foods you should be avoiding while detoxing:


·         Meat and its products (excluding chicken and turkey)


·         Dairy products, like butter, cheese, cream (including sour cream), ice cream, milk...


·         Any food that contains wheat like bread, pies, cakes, cereals, croissants, biscuits, quiche, pastry, battered or bread crumbed food


·         Crisps and savoury snacks including salted nuts


·         Sweets, chocolate (unless it's a dark one), jam, and sugar in general


·         Processesed, ready- made foods, sauces and all forms of fast food


·         Alcohol


·         Ketchup and mayonnaise


·         Salt and products highly containing it


·         Fizzy, sugary drinks, including sodas, juices, etc.


What foods to consume when detoxing?


Luckily for successful detoxification, you don't have to give up entire menu. Luckily there are a lot of not only healthy, but also delicious foods you can eat to efficiently aid cleansing your body.


The vegetables you can eat while detoxing:


Spinach, Kale, Lettuce, Tomato, Peppers, Celery Green, Olives, Watercress, Asparagus, Onions, Garlic, Cucumber, Jalapeno, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts


Fruits you can eat while detoxing:


Blueberries, Apple, Orange, Banana, Cranberries, Strawberries, Lemon, Lime, Blackberries


In addition, feel free to consume:


Salmon, Cod, Mackerel, Monkfish, Prawns, Tuna, Eggs, Chicken fillets, Turkey fillets, Tofu, Quinoa, Kidney Beans, Black Beans, Couscous, Cocoa Beans, Oats, Lentils, Unsalted nuts, Almonds, Pistachio’s, Cashew, Unsalted seeds, Flax, Chia, Sunflowers, Extra virgin olive oil, Balsamic Vinegar, Herbs & Spices, Garlic, Ginger, Italian herb, Chili Powder, Cayenne pepper, Herbal Teas


 All of these foods and beverages are not only suitable for successful cleansing, but also for effective weight loss & fitness goals. Foods listed above do not contain much calories, are low in fat and carbs, and what's really important - high in protein.


Why you should be focusing on consuming herbal teas while detoxing for weight loss?


Teas are super good method to detox and lose unwanted fat, for many of reasons. Firsly, teas, when not mixed with milk and sugar, contain 0 calories - just like water! Additionally, herbal teas are loaded with rich healthy properties. Regularly consuming herbal teas will benefit you in numerous ways.


1.       As herbal teas are loaded with powerful antioxidants, they will fight harmful toxins in your body, protect and strengthen you immune system


2.       Herbal teas, especially red tea, contains nutrition that has power to naturally boost your metabolism, what leads to improved weight loss process.


3.       Some herbal teas, especially green tea, a special amino acid called L-theanine, which a direct impact on your nervous system. Regularly consuming L-theanine reduces stress and improves your brain work.


4.       Detox teas having combination of herbs promote good digestion by cleansing the body from bad chemicals. Keep in mind, that it's recommended to increase your water intake while drinking detox teas to avoid the side effects of dehydration.


The main truth about detox teas:


Unfortunately, none of the herb on this planet works well on it's own. In order for detox teas to work efficiently, you still have to exercise and diet well. It doesn't mean you need to deprive your body of vital nutrition with exhausting diets, just watch out what you eat! (Find the good food list above) Also, in order to detoxify your body, or lose weight you still need to have your physical activity on point. Again, it doesn't mean you have to be burning 1000 calories a day in the gym, but being at least a bit active will help a lot.


Some ingredients in detox teas can have negative side-effects


Detox teas are made to control your metabolism, manage your hunger pangs, or boost weight loss in many ways. Perfect example would me a plant called senna, having a natural laxative effect. According to some studies, the side effects of senna tea may include bloating, nausea, diarrhea and general pain and discomfort. Another ingredient that can be found in weight loss, detox teas is guarana. This plant is known from its popularity in energy drinks. Such ingredient containing teas have negative effects because it contains high level of caffeine.  It can also have negative side effects, such as nausea, headache, abnormal heart beat and many more. With this kind of teas ,you can reach your desired detox or weight loss results very quickly, but keep in mind the results can only be short term, and may have negative consequences to your body. So please, do your research before selecting the right methods and teas to achieve your goals!


FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT BEST DETOX TEA PRACTICES, VISIT - https://www.waytochanges.com/the-best-detox-tea-for-weight-loss/


Good Luck!



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