
About Detox Diets

Detoxification diets is very popular and smart way to eliminate toxin build-up, aid weight loss process and improve overall health. Generally, detox diets can bring many benefits to us, although it's important to determinate which detox diets suit us, and which not in order to avoid any harmful side effects. Even though detox diets are becoming more and more popular, there's only a little evidence showing that they actually work.




Detox diets range from total starvation, to juice/water diets, food dietary modifications, or teatox. These kind of diets often involve the nourishment of healthy properties such as - laxatives, diuretics, vitamins, minerals and other cleansing elements.




The most common reasons why many dieters recommend detox diets are: our exposure to environmental toxins, gastrointestinal disorders, autoimmune diseases, inflammations, overweight and obesities.


Risks of Detox diets

Even tough detox diets is considered a safe way to cleanse an entire body system, it can also bring negative effects, so we should choose carefully which diet we need to stick to.


The main dangers of detox diets are linked to nutrition insufficiency and energy restriction. For exaple, extreme fasting can lead to protein and vitamin deficiencies, electrolyte imbalance, lactic acidosis, what ultimately has a potential of fatality. Many people are known to have died when attempting extreme fasting diets when they have deprived their bodies from vital nutrition. For some reason, fasting is considered to be a detox diet for many people, however it's definitely not.


Talking about actual detox diets, those who chose the wrong detox diet, might be at risk of overdosing of supplements, laxatives, diuretics, or even water. Yes, it is possible to die from water.


Unfortunately, you can find plenty of inappropriate and actually harmful detox diet recipes online. Government's inability to regulate such diets is a major concern in dieting industry. So make sure to do your research before jumping into ANY KIND of diet.


Are detox diets are effective to weight loss?

There are numerous of studies showing that well-designed appropriate detoxification diets can aid weight loss process. Detox diets are known to have a direct impact on your metabolism, digestion and energy levels, so they actually do help you to lose weight. Build-up toxins can be a block to your weight loss success, therefore detox diets are designed to eliminate those toxins from your body. Again, it's really important to chose the right diet, as not all of the diets are safe and well-designed for you to lose weight effectively.



A good tip would be going for diets that are based on organic nutrition, and does not require extra pills or other suspicious medication. Remember, you can achieve your best results with natural methods only, you just need to know the right ingredients, quantities and the right timing.



For instance, tea detox diets are considered extremely safe and effective method to detox, and most importantly they don't cost much and they are easy to make.


Teas are loaded with antioxidant-rich properties and they are perfect cure for your body's inflammation. Also, many teas are known to boost your immune system and even metabolism, and having a good metabolism is a key to successful weight loss.


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